All-Access Pass to our Free Passover Seder On-Demand
We have provided everything you need to have a Seder in your home with your family, friends and neighbors. Everything you’ll get:
- Instructions from leading Bible Scholars, Messianic Leaders and Respected Pastors
- “Haggadah” > The Complete Seder Outline
- Amazon Shop with items we recommend to have on hand
- Or printable shopping list if you would like to purchase locally
- Printable scriptures, prayer and readings
- 24-Hr Access > 365 Days a Year
Pastor Mark Moore, Christ's Church of the Valley
Rachel Kushner, Links To Messiah
Ron Davis, The Jewish Road
Mitch Glazer, Chosen People Ministries
Marty Goetz, Marty Goetz Ministries
Stuart Dauermann, Founder & President of Hashivenu
Bob Mendelsohn,Jews For Jesus
Miriam Pappas
Matt Davis, The Jewish Road
Steve Ladden