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All-Access Pass to our Free Passover Seder On-Demand

We have provided everything you need to have a Seder in your home with your family, friends and neighbors. Everything you’ll get:

  • Instructions from leading Bible Scholars, Messianic Leaders and Respected Pastors
  • “Haggadah” > The Complete Seder Outline
  • Amazon Shop with items we recommend to have on hand
  • Or printable shopping list if you would like to purchase locally 
  • Printable scriptures, prayer and readings
  • 24-Hr Access > 365 Days a Year
  • Pastor Mark Moore, Christ's Church of the Valley

  • Rachel Kushner, Links To Messiah

  • Ron Davis, The Jewish Road

  • Mitch Glazer, Chosen People Ministries

  • Marty Goetz, Marty Goetz Ministries

  • Stuart Dauermann, Founder & President of Hashivenu

  • Bob Mendelsohn,Jews For Jesus

  • Miriam Pappas

  • Matt Davis, The Jewish Road

  • Steve Ladden